UsersWP Docs

Social Login – Instagram

Setting up the Instagram App

  1. Login to your Instagram developer account.
  2. Click on the Register a New Client button:
  3. Fill out the form with the following values and then click on the Register button:
    1. Application Name: You can use the name of your website
    2. Description: For example “my website”  Social Login
    3. Company name: Your company name
    4. Website: Enter the URL of your own website, for example
    5. Valid redirect URIs: You can find the correct URL at UsersWP >  Social tab > Instagram sub-tab and will be in this format:
    6. Privacy Policy URL: Add a link to your website’s privacy policy page
    7. Contact email: Your contact email
  4. Once registered, click on Manage:
  5. On that page, click the Permissions tab:
  6. Now click on Start a submission:
  7. Complete the Review stage as follows:
    1. Select My app allows people to login with Instagram and share their own content.
    2. API use case: For example: Our users can login with their Instagram account on our WordPress site. We only get their basic data.
    3. Video Screencast URL: Make a video on how you use Social Login button for Instagram.
    4. Validation by Instagram may take few days.
  8. Now copy and paste the Client ID and Client Secret to UsersWP >  Social tab > Instagram sub-tab.
    1. Do not activate the Instagram option until your Instagram application has been reviewed and is out of sandbox.