This is the Settings Overview for the UsersWP > Emails > Admin Emails page.
You need to have the UsersWP plugin installed and activated in order to access these settings.
New Account Registration
- Enable Email – If checked, an email will be sent to site admin when a user account has been created.
- Subject (A) – You can specify the subject of the email.
- Body (A) – Body text for the email — supports both plain text and HTML, and a list of custom tags that can be used in the emails is visible under the text entry field.
Account Delete Email
- Enable Email – If checked, an email will be sent to site admin when a user account has been deleted.
- Subject (A) – You can specify the subject of the email.
- Body (A) – Body text for the email — supports both plain text and HTML, and a list of custom tags that can be used in the emails is visible under the text entry field.