
Capture newsletter subscribers during registration.


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The Mailchimp addon for UsersWP lets users subscribe to your newsletter via Mailchimp during registration.

Mailchip add-on for UsersWP settings page

After activating the add-on, you will find its settings page at:

UsersWP > Addons > Mailchimp

On this page you have to add a Mailchimp API Key. You can create one through the official website. You can find the documentation about it here.

You’ll also have to add a Mailchimp Audience ID. The Audience ID determines to which lists your users will subscribe. Documentation about this can be found here.

Subscribe checkbox in register form

The Mailchimp add-on for UsersWP creates a “Subscribe to our newsletter” checkbox in the register form.

Mailchimp subscribe form Gutenberg block, widget or shortcode

You can use the UWP_Mailchimp Gutenberg block or widget or the shortcode [uwp_mailchimp] to easily display the Mailchimp subscribe form, anywhere on your website.

The Mailchimp addon for UsersWP is 100% translatable.

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2 thoughts on “MailChimp

  1. Is the mailchimp API key free? I was looking into their website but there is only documentation not pricing for the API key. Could u point me where to start with this?

  2. Yes, the API key is free. Thanks

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