About Us

UsersWP is a lightweight alternative to BuddyPress and Ultimate Member




Team Members




Support Replies

Our Story

We wanted to provide a lightweight alternative to BuddyPress, including only essential features, to our GeoDirectory Customers.

UsersWP core plugin provides a login and register forms, a directory of members and a modern profile page to each registered user.

Because it works with shortcodes, it is compatible with any theme. It provides an easy templating system and it’s very easy to customize for developers.

We tried to reduce it’s options to the bare minimum to set it up as quickly as possible, but to keep it extensible for new features via add-ons.

A growing number of add-ons is available and others are being developed.

We hope you’ll enjoy UsersWP!

Meet the Team

10 team members over 5 continents, making customers happy since 2011
Stiofan O'Connor
Stiofan O'Connor
Co-Founder & CEO/CTO
Paolo Tajani
Paolo Tajani
Co-Founder & CEO/CMO
Alex Rollin
Alex Rollin
Head of Support
Guust Flater
Guust Flater
Support Supervisor
Kiran Prajapati
Kiran Prajapati
Full Stack Developer
Rahul Gandhi
Rahul Gandhi
Lead Developer
Ismi Aini
Ismi Aini
Head of Translations
Naveen Giri
Naveen Giri
Customer Support
Michelle Munro
Michelle Munro
Customer Sales
Nicolas Limet
Nicolas Limet
Customer Support