Realtime Notifications1.0.10
Sends notifications to users, about activity on your website.
The Realtime Notifications addon for UsersWP sends on-site real-time notifications to you and your users, about activity on your website.
A new menu item will be available in UsersWP Endpoints.
Clicking on the new notification menu item, a lightbox window will open showing your latest notifications.
For example:
- New Comment: sends a notification to authors, whenever someone adds a comment to one of their posts.
- New Comment reply: sends a notification to comment authors, every time someone replies to one of their comments.
- New Post: sends a notification to authors, whenever one of their posts is published by the admin.
For most of the UsersWP add-ons, new notifications will be added to the default notifications.
UsersWP Realtime Notification Settings
In the settings page of the Realtime Notifications add-on, you will be able to enable/disable each notification.
List of all available notifications
Following is the complete list of notifications when all add-ons are installed:
Activity | Message |
Comment | User B has commented on your post. |
Comment Reply | User A has replied to your comment. |
Post Publish | User A has published your post. |
GD listing published | User A has published your listing. |
GD rating | User B left 5 star rating on your place. |
GD rating on favourite listing | User B left 5 star rating on your favourite place. |
Follow | User B started following you. |
Unfollow | User B has unfollowed you. |
Following User Post Publish | User B has published new post. |
Following User Comment | User B has commented on post. |
Following User Comment Reply | User B has replied on comment. |
Following User Review listing | User B left 5 star rating on listing. |
Following User Published listing | User B has published new listing. |
Friend Request | User B has sent you a friend request. |
Friend Request Accepted | User A has accepted your friend request. |
Friend Request Rejected | User A has rejected your friend request. |
New product | User A published ABC product. |
New product | New offer on ABC product. |
New review | User B left 5 star reviews on ABC product. |
New order | User B has placed new order #123. |
Order status change | Your order #123 has been marked as complete. |
bbPress Replies | User B has replied to your topic. |
bbPress Replies to | User A has replied to your comment on the topic. |
Account Pending Review | User B has been registered recently on your website and the account is waiting for admin review. |
Account Approved | User A has approved your account. |
Account Rejected | User A has rejected your account. |
User verification request | User B has sent account verification request. |
User Verified | User A has approved your account verification request. |
User Unverified | User A has rejected your account verification request. |
myCred Points | 1 point added for providing first name. |
Transfer Cred Points | User B has transferred you 1 point. |
Request Group | User B has requested to join the group. |
Group Request Accept | User A has accepted your request to join the group. |
Group Activity Like | User B has liked your activity in the group. |
Group Comment Like | User B has liked your comment in the group. |
Group New Activity | User B has posted new activity in the group. Please review here. |
Group Approve Activity | User A has approved your activity posted in the group. |
Group Reject Activity | User A has rejected your activity posted in the group. |
Activity Comment | User B has commented on your activity in the group. |
Activity Comment reply | User A has replied to your comment in the group. |
Invite Friend to join | User A has invited you to join a group. |
Activity Reported | User A has reported activity posted in the group. |
New Message | User A sent you a new message. |
Unread Message | You have 1 unread message. |
Coming Soon
- Email Notifications – All onsite notifications, can also be sent via email.
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