Frontend Post1.3.4

Frontend user submitted blog posts, moderate & publish


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Frontend Post

The “Frontend post” add-on allows users to submit blog posts or any other Custom Post type, from a front-end page of your website.

It is ideal for a multi-author blog, where the admin doesn’t want to give access to the WordPress back end to the blog authors. .

It can also be used to easily accept guest posts and moderate them.

Easy to add front end blog post submission form

front end blog post for for logged in users

You can add the form on any page, by selecting the desired page in

UsersWP > Pages > Frontend Post Page.

You also need to add the UWP > Frontend Post Form block or, the [frontend_post_form] shortcode if you are using the classic editor.

Front-end blog post submission form settings

When active, this plugin adds a settings page in

UsersWP > Addons > Frontend Post

frontend post settings page

The Admin can change settings like :

  • Enable form for guest users or not. If enabled, two extra fields to enter the name and email address will appear on the form for logged out users. A new user will be created using those details, and the post will be assigned to the new user.
  • Select post status. It can be pending, draft and published.
  • Change the success and error messages.

Dedicated email notifications

This add-on will add two new email notifications in UsersWP > Emails > User Emails | Admin Emails

frontend post user notification settings

The admin can enable/disable them and change both the subject line and content of both emails.

Integration with the reCAPTCHA add-on

Using the reCAPTCHA add-on it is possible to enable the reCAPTCHA technology on the frontend post form to avoid spam submission from bots. The Admin can enable/disable captcha on this form from the settings page of the reCAPTCHA add-on.

The “Frontend post” add-on is 100% translatable.


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38 thoughts on “Frontend Post

  1. Can users upload images / video here?

    1. Did anyone ever answer?

    2. Images yes, video can only be embeded. Thanks

      1. it doesn’t appear to let us add “images” only an “image”. Is there a way to make it so that an image can be added into the post instead of just the header?

        1. actually, it does let me add images but it’s quirky, it’s showing users all the images on the site making it weird.

  2. Can users edit their posts from the front end?

    1. Hi Suzan, sorry for missing your comments. Yes users can edit their posts too.


  3. Hello;
    Do you have some plugin  when click on some girl that have all this buttons, go to private, buy credit, send gifts…
    Do you have some plugin like this or can you make for me some like this for my WordPress site? 
    I need this gift icons and buttons send gift, chat, video call and buy credit.
    Best Regards

    1. We do not, I’m sorry.

  4. What does the Front Post look like? Is there a Demo available?

    1. Hi, it is a simple form to get blog posts submission from registered users and also from guests.

      You can test it in our demo:

      Let me know if you have other questions.


  5. Hi Paolo,
    How about Custom post types?
    I have a Portfolio post type. Can I assign this portfolio to be my front end post type for users? Thank you!

    1. Hi,

      I’m sorry to inform you that currently this only works for blog posts. However, I’ve already asked the developers to extend it to work with Custom Post Types too.


      1. Hi again, the add-on now supports CPTs too!

        1. Is there an example of how this works with CPT’s? And an explanation?

  6. Hi,
    Can the user edit the submitted post from the account page ? I assume it supports ACF and Pods ?


    1. Hi,

      yes, users can edit their posts. No, currently it doesn’t support ACF or Pods, but it is in our todo list to make ACF compatible.


      1. Hi, Paolo,
        I’m excited to find this plugin and would ideally like to use it alongside ACF. Looks like it’s been about six months since your comment about that being on the list. Do you know if support for ACF has been added yet?

        1. Hi Ephrem,
          I’m sorry, but we haven’t even started working on the integration. The backlog of things to do before we can tackle this task is still pretty long.
          I’m sure we’ll get to it before the end of the year, but I can’t give you an ETA now.


        2. Dear Paolo,

          Can you confirm that ACF is currently supported ?

          All the best,

        3. Hi, I’m sorry (for the late reply too), but it is not.


  7. Hello,
    An idea maybe : a way to contain the content of the post inside the profile of the user (like a facebook wall by example).

    Ideally an option inside the plugin that allow the dynamic creation of an ‘user’ CPT, if someone use this form inside an user profile tab named wall by example…

    … could be usefull maybe.

  8. We need a way to allow users to edit posts without going to the backend. Is this possible?

    1. Yes, it is. Thanks!

  9. Can you restrict which registered users are allowed to submit a blog post?

    1. Hi, not at the moment.
      We are working on a system to restrict content and that will allow putting the form on a restricted page.

      1. A possible solution: Allow us to set which WordPress User Roles are allowed to submit blog posts. (Subscriber / Contributor / Author / Editor / Administrator)

        Also… I noticed most form builder fields have a checkbox called “For admin use only? :”

        It would be useful if you changed that to all WordPress User Roles. It would allow us to set user restrictions on most addons.



        1. Hi Jack,

          currently, that’s not possible. However, we are working on a system to restrict pages, posts, and content in general.

          That said, with a plugin like this, you can probably already do that:


  10. Hello
    pro version is available for free 7 days or 14 days ?

    1. Hi, we do not have free trials. We have a 30 days money-back guarantee. Thanks

  11. Guest user can submit multiple blogs using the same email address?
    example: [email protected] Using this above email address can I send multiple blogs ?

    1. Hi, a user is always created when submitting a post. WordPress needs an author for each post. So the 1st post can be submitted without logging in, if they want to submit a second post using the same email, they’ll need to recover the password and sign in to post.

      1. Thank You…

        I understand, this functionality working successfully in this “UsersWP” plugin ??

        1. Sorry, I don’t understand the question. Please elaborate.

        2. Any Example or demo site that used this plugin?

  12. Hello, does the post submission have a word filter for the title and body content?

    Please advise. thank you!

    1. Hi Daniel, no it does not. This add-on only provides a form to submit posts. For profanity filtering I think you will need a service like this one:


  13. Good afternoon Tell me please. On my site there are headings of the site. And there are sections where subscribers can write. How to limit the ability of subscribers to write only in certain categories. For example, there are 20 headings on the site. But I would like subscribers to write only in 5 headings. How can this be configured?


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