Cant edit name or delete the field "about me" or in german "Über Mich"

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Patrik 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 5

    Pretty much what the title says, I can’t edit the name of the field “about me” or in german “Über Mich”. Neither I can delete it, so I’m forced to display it on the profile/account page and if changing anything there, it always says this field is required, so I can’t just set it on “display: none” via CSS.

    Please help, how can I fix this?


    Post count: 1971

    Hi Grunt,

    Are you talking about the “Bio” field? If yes then it is default field so you can’t delete from the backend but you can deactivate it using the option “Is Active” in the form builder. Let me know if you want to delete the field then I can do that via code and I will require admin and FTP details for that in private reply.



    Free User
    Post count: 5

    Hello Patrik,

    thank you for your reply. Yes I’m talking about the “Bio” field. Yes there is this button, but whenever I try to save the changes it displays an error message “Spalte konnte nicht geändert werden. Du hast möglicherweise zu viele Spalten.” translated to english this means “Row couldn’t be changed. Perhaos you have too many rows.”.

    When this message appears the field disappears in the editor, yet it will come back after reloading the site.


    Post count: 1971


    This happens on a few sites and it can be fixed either by taking the help of the hosting provider or delete the bio field via code and then recreate it. If you don’t want that field then I can delete it from code for you and if you want to keep it then you must contact the hosting provider with the error message you are getting.



    Free User
    Post count: 5

    Hi Patrik,

    thanks again for your kind and quick response. Alright I dont think the hosting provider is an option. So I’m forced to recreate the field after deleting it, otherwise the site won’t work?

    Could you tell me how to delete it? Which .php and which line? I’ve got some code experience, tho I dont want to destroy anything. I can’t give you access to the ftp tho, I’m sorry, I’m not allowed to do so.

    Kind regards,



    Post count: 1971


    You can remove this condition This will allow you to delete the field from the form builder. You can delete the Bio field and then revert the changes in code. Let me know if this helps!


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