Consequences of changing the profile banner width

This topic contains 16 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Patrik 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #2180

    Free User
    Post count: 157

    Thank you Kor, please set your last post as private, since I don’t want to make the dev server public. You’ll find the credentials in another post of this thread.

    The problem is, that the user can not click on the link Change Cover Photo when trying to change the banner image.

    An yes, that is another problem, that on the users list we have banners with different height.

    Thank you


    Post count: 1971

    Hi directoryfan,

    Actually, the height of the cover page should be more enough so that the update cover photo button come above the profile avatar image else it will go behind the avatar image and will need to show using increased z-index value. In your site height of the cover is smaller because you have a minimum width of the banner set to 1400. So we can put minimum height for the cover image to show the update cover photo button above the avatar image. Let me know if you want us to make changes for that or the CSS you put to increase z-index is fine.

    The same problem with the aspect ratio is in the users listing page. We have updated the CSS to set the minimum height of the banner image 125px. Let me know if this works fine for you or not.


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