Customize Forms

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Backpacking Series 7 years, 4 months ago.

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    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104


    I want to customize the forms in the following ways:

    – Align some of the text on forms in a grid. For instance, on the Login form – can the link: ‘Forgot Password?’ be left-aligned to be on top of the text ‘Not a Member?’ and the link ‘Create Account’ be in line with ‘Not a Member?’? Similarly, on the Forgot Password form can the link “Login’ be left-aligned to be on top of the text ‘Not a Member?’ and ‘Create Account’ be in line with ‘Not a Member?’? Currently, the word Account of ‘Create Account’ goes on to occupy a third row – see attached. If ‘Create Account’ and ‘Not a Member?’ cannot fit in the same line, can I move the entire phrase (Create Account) underneath Not a Member? To make it aligned to a grid.

    – Branding on forms: I want to change the form color to white with a black border and include a logo (replacing the circular person icon).

    – Include editable postal-address (including zip code) fields on the profile display page.

    To change the look and feel of the forms, the plugin docuemntation advises to create a folder named ‘userswp’ inside the active child theme and copy the desired template in it. Could I request for few more steps please?

    1. Should the ‘userswp’ folder be created under public_html/wp-content/themes/childtheme/ or under public_html/wp-content/themes/childtheme/inc?
    2. Could you please advise what lines of code inside the php files should be replaced with what to do the above changes?

    Thank you


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    Please don’t create duplicate topics.

    Answered here.



    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104

    Okay. Thank you for pointing that out.


    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104

    Hi Giri / Guust,

    Sorry to bother you again, but something went wrong after moving the templates. The custom CSS that you had helped earlier with, loads but applies only partially (out of three, only the last part works i.e. [float : right]. The first two sections of css do not apply). Can you please guide me to resolve this? Pasting the URL in a private message for your reference.

    /* Plugin - UsersWP */
    .uwp-account, .uwp-change, .uwp-forgot, .uwp-login, .uwp-profile, .uwp-registration {
    background-color : #fff;
    border-style : solid;
    border-color : #000;
    width : initial;
    .uwp_adv_search_form .uwp-lf-icon, .uwp_page .uwp-lf-icon, .uwp_widgets .uwp-lf-icon {
    border : none;
    width : 100px;
    height : 100px;
    .uwp-register-now, .uwp_adv_search_form .uwp-forgotpsw, .uwp_page .uwp-forgotpsw, .uwp_widgets .uwp-forgotpsw {
    float : right;

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104

    Alright, false alarm! The CSS fixed it. For once, I am glad no one responded yet 🙂

    Kind regards

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