Sorry if I do not express myself very well, my English is limited
1. I know that I should not translate the shortcode itself, I mean the text that apear in the mail that shortcode makes. Example: [#login_details#] = “Please activate your account :
To activate your account, visit the following address:”
2. All the Form Strings that I did translate, does not show in my lenguage, like:
“Error: Invalid username or Password.”
“ERROR: You must accept our terms and conditions.”
“ERROR: Password must be 7 characters or more.”
“Error: Email and Confirm email not match”
“An email has been sent to your registered email address. Please click the activation link to proceed. Resend.”
3. I made the translation with POEdit / Uninstall Loco / Clean up the Cache / and optimized and repaired Data Base. But the translations are still not done
Strings that I Can not find:
“Confirm Email” –> Reg Form
Thank you for your assitence!