Display Labels for fields

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Patrik 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #6257

    Mark Lee
    Free User

    I saw this question had been asked previously, however the CSS fix suggested doesn’t work for me and I’m not sure why.

    I want to display the field label to the left of the field on the uwp-account-form so even when there’s details in the field, people know what the details are relevant to.

    I’ve tried the CSS
    .uwp-account-form label {display:in-line;} (also with !important)
    but it has no effect?

    Any further advice?
    please see http://www.coachchloe.uk/account for the page I’m looking to amend. I have LearnDash installed also, not sure if that is affecting the forms for any reason?


    Post count: 1971


    The CSS you suggested is not the valid one. You have to use the following CSS:

    .uwp-account-form label {display:block !immportant;}

    Also, let me know if you are using our legacy design or Bootstrap design? The above CSS should work for legacy design. For bootstrap you can try following CSS:

    .bsui .uwp-account-form label.sr-only {position: initial;height: auto;width: auto;}


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