Hide redundant Comment thumbnail in profile

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jeff Adams 6 years, 10 months ago.

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    Jeff Adams
    Post count: 1780

    On my UWP profile, is there a way not to show my profile image under the comments tab? It’s unnecessary to have.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You can hide that with CSS if you like.

    img.gravatar.avatar.avatar-80.uwp-avatar {
        display: none !important;

    That’s an example of how to customize your site by hiding an element with CSS.

    To further customize your site you can create your own custom CSS or hire a developer.


    Jeff Adams
    Post count: 1780

    Alex, is “To further customize your site you can create your own custom CSS or hire a developer.” your signature because I notice you say that a lot.

    I understand I can create my own CSS or pay a developer. I’m already paying a developer a lot of money right now for more significant things, that is something I thought GD would do that it doesn’t do (recurring Affiliate payments).

    This though is something simple I would imagine someone here could easily provide support for. Showing the avatar over and over and over is completely unnecessary and makes no sense. Because I think the developers would like their product to work and look as good as it could I thought they would care and want to know and even appreciate me sharing this. I get the feeling from your comment you don’t feel the same. Isn’t this forum here for support, reporting bugs, and even odd things like this so UWP can improve?

    And is it always best to compensate for things like this with CSS? Or, could there actually be a better way to do this in the code so no one has to add CSS unnecessarily. I would rather that not be for me to decide.

    Anyways, I’m not sure how to change this CSS to make it work right now. What you provided is not working. So I’m assuming you’re just giving me an example, not something that works. I don’t have time right now to make UWP look logical. I’m trying to get the site going and would prefer to test GDV2. So, I’ll just continue to hide/not use it and be further from buying the additional addons until this core one works/looks right.

    Unless there is someone else who would like to please supply me the CSS needed to make these completely unnecessary avatars go away on the comments page?

    Alex, in the end, if I want to customize something that is for my unique, project specific needs I can see how your suggestion would be appropriate. But, don’t you think everyone would prefer to not see redundant Avatars? Or do you think this is just me being picky so I should go do it on my own? I’m just trying to understand so in the future I don’t waste my time, your time, or anyone else’s time. I’m really just trying to make things better and not waste time.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Be sure to clear site cache. Generally speaking it is a good idea to leave cache off while working on CSS design changes.

    Please provide WP Admin info if we need to check it.


    Jeff Adams
    Post count: 1780
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Jeff Adams
    Post count: 1780
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Updated, works, added to theme custom CSS through customizer.
    Needs to be added there for pages that don’t load GD CSS.


    Jeff Adams
    Post count: 1780

    Ah!!!!!!! I see what you mean. I was wondering about that for a second. I forgot all about CSS customizer! Thank you!!!!!!

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