Invalid Name or Password

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jeff Adams 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    Jeff Adams
    Post count: 1780

    I keep getting “Invalid Name or Password” when trying to join.

    It seemed fine before I changed recaptcha from V2 to V2 invisible with new key/secret. So, I changed back to V2 and changed back key/secret.

    It seems to be adding the new users into the backend despite throwing up the warning “invalid name or password”.


    Jeff Adams
    Post count: 1780
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Jeff Adams
    Post count: 1780
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    Jeff Adams
    Post count: 1780

    I noticed the recaptcha is working for the ninja form perfectly: can you please help me make it so my login form works and the recaptcha works this way?


    Jeff Adams
    Post count: 1780

    I fixed it, I restored the entire database and site to yesterday’s version… I may be able to recreate the problem by trying to create new captcha key/secret but I don’t want to, lol I’m way to stressed out right now!!! uggghhh…


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Glad you got it working.
    We Are working to recreate this issue.


    Jeff Adams
    Post count: 1780

    Awesome, good luck and thanks! Hope you had a great weekend!

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