Is There A Way To Have A Profile And Author Archive?

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  • #5568

    Will Hill
    Free User
    Post count: 73


    So I set up UserWP for a new portion of our site that is working with GeoDirectory, and everything looked fine, except that now our author archives were all replaced with the Profile pages. Is there a way to have both normal author archives, and profile pages for authors with listings?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    The profile page takes over the author archive, yes, the same way that BuddyPress member profiles take over the author archives. There isn’t a way to ‘uncover’ the author archive, no.


    Post count: 29970

    Make sure you add “Posts” to the profile page, and the UsersWP profile should display the same data as the author archive.


    Free User
    Post count: 46

    This does look possible to me.

    If you go to WP Admin –> Users WP –> General tab –> Profile –> Show Advanced you can then check the option “Disable author link redirect to UsersWP profile page.”

    That stops UsersWP overriding the author profile link in archives etc.

    It also creates a horrible redirect loop (clearly a bug in UsersWP) but if you add this filter it then fixes the redirect loop:

    add_filter(‘uwp_check_redirect_author_page’, ‘__return_false’);

    I am now able to get to both the standard author archives and the UsersWP profile page.


    Will Hill
    Free User
    Post count: 73


    That did it! Thank you! I’d tried disabling the redirect but got stuck in that same loop. Thanks for giving me that workaround!


    Free User
    Post count: 46

    No problem. I was looking for a fix myself and found this thread.

    I’m not a support person, just another user. Hope I’m not doing the wrong thing by posting here.

    Watch out for this causing other problems, though, like the tab links on the UWP profile page pointing back to the author archive URLs. I noticed that and will need to figure out a fix. There may be other snags but it does seem to deal with the overall issue.


    Post count: 1971


    The above filter “add_filter(‘uwp_check_redirect_author_page’, ‘__return_false’);” or “Disable author link redirect to UsersWP profile page.” setting will work for you and regarding redirect issue, we have applied fixes and will be available in the next release.



    Will Hill
    Free User
    Post count: 73


    Yeah, I’m getting that problem now too. The author archive works well now, but the profile page doesn’t. Maybe I’ll just implement a short term fix while we wait for the patch Patrik mentioned.


    Post count: 1971
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    Will Hill
    Free User
    Post count: 73
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    Post count: 1971


    The changes are there in the latest update we have released. Can you please update and check if it resolves your issue or not?



    Will Hill
    Free User
    Post count: 73


    I can tick the “disable author link redirect to UserWP Profile Page” button and it will bring author pages back, but if I do that then the /profile page redirects to the author page. Since that is not what I want to do, I’ve unticked the box now.


    Free User
    Post count: 46

    This seems to be the right filter for fixing the tab links etc.

    function wr_userswp_profile_link($link, $user_id) {
    	$link = str_replace('/b/author/','/vendors/profile/', $link);
    	return $link;
    add_filter('uwp_profile_link', 'wr_userswp_profile_link', 10, 2);

    Change the code to return the right link for your actual pages/permalink structure.

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