Multi Level Membership

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Patrik 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #6104

    Hi Support, I have a website that is using 2 different levels of membership FREE/PAID.

    If a user signs up for FREE they have a different header menu than those that have signed up for a PAID subscription.

    I have created multiple pages for the userswp and I am calling them via URLs and shortcodes however I cannot seem to be able to create 2 profile pages i.e. free-profile and paid-profile.

    If I just have one profile page I can only show one header is it possible to have two?



    Post count: 1971


    The header is a part of the theme and you can create multiple headers and use them in the page templates. You can use condition to display header on the page template as per your membership condition.

    Also, there can be only one profile page by our plugin but we have shortcodes to use on any pages. You can create another profile page using those shortcodes but you have to call that profile page by the link in the menu and UsersWP will consider the profile page which is assigned via UsersWP->Settings->General->User Profile Page.


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