No registration email to new users

This topic contains 28 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Patrik 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    Post count: 240

    I have problems sending a registration email to new users. User doesn’t receive an email, admin yes but empty (just template). Reset password works, sending emails from contact form works. Just registration email to users doesn’t. When I disable WPUSERS plugin, registration works and sends email normally.

    I have installed SMTP plugin, the problem remains.

    Email log plugin shows that user email wasn’t created. Admin notification email was created, sent and received.

    I use wpgeodirectory plugin

    What I should try to get work?


    Post count: 1971
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    Post count: 240
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    Post count: 1971
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    Post count: 1971

    You have a username field set to inactive in form builder which should be active as it is required field for the registration.



    Post count: 240
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    Post count: 1971
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    Post count: 240

    I have some more difficulties.

    1. The new user always receives the same email with username and password, even when I select “Registration Action: Required email activation”.

    2. Warning which says

    It seems like you are using a system generated password. Please change the password in this page. If this is not a problem for you, you can remove this warning

    doesn’t disappear after user changes the password. He needs manually to remove the warning to be able to proceed.

    3. Here ( you suggest using “AutoApprove + AutoLogin”, but is there an option to check the email, something like email verification? It’s very important for us to have correct user email.


    Post count: 1971


    1. I am not sure which same email users are getting but if you want to change the email content then you can do it from UsersWP->Emails settings. Can you tell me the content of the email?

    2. When there is no password field in the registration form, we generate random password using WP function and display notice on the form so that user can know they need to change the default password to their own password. You can disable this notice using the setting UsersWP->General->Disable system generated password notice. set to tick.



    Post count: 240

    Sorry, in the meantime, I changed the above post. Can you check?

    I just want new users to receive an activation email.

    AutoApprove + AutoLogin is also okay but with some restrictions to force the email confirmation…

    Generated password notice is okay but should disappear after changing the password, otherwise is not clear what user should do, because cant proceed before he manually turns off the notice…

    Thank you Patrik


    Post count: 240

    I am not sure which same email users are getting but if you want to change the email content then you can do it from UsersWP->Emails settings. Can you tell me the content of the email?

    They always receive credentials, even I select Registration Action: Required email activation. I am missing something?


    Post count: 240

    And some different problem,
    I have designed the Account page with Elementor.
    If I select that page in UsersWp-Pages as Account Page, doesn’t work. Outputs only text.
    Can you look, please?
    Thank you


    Post count: 1971

    Sending email confirmation in AutoApprove + AutoLogin is not possible in our plugin and it is also not feasible because we need to log in the user immediately after a successful registration. You may do it via customization if you want to force login after activation. We also have add-on which allows admin to approve or reject the users after a successful registration. You can have a look if it can help you.

    Regarding email, can you explain what you want to do with emails? If you want to change the content then you can do that from settings UsersWP->Emails->clicl on Show Advance button and it will display content to modify.



    Post count: 1971


    For account page, I can see the form as well with some content before the form.



    Post count: 240

    Sending email confirmation in AutoApprove + AutoLogin is not possible in our plugin and it is also not feasible because we need to log in the user immediately after a successful registration.

    Okay. This is clear.

    Regarding email, can you explain what you want to do with emails?

    I want to require email activation. But when I select “Registration Action: Required email activation”, nothing changes, the user doesn’t receive an email with an activation link, but an email with credentials.

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