Dear support,
I’m using UsersWP (Core Plugin) version 1.0.11 – no other plugin is enabled – on wordpress 4.8.3.
I want to substitute the backend login page and want users to login first before they are allowed to comment a blog post. I expect that after login the user returns to the blog post he was reading before he was forced to login. This is the original wordpress login-for-commenting-behaviour – visible after disabling the UsersWP plugin.
If I configure UsersWP on tab UsersWP Settings > Login:
1. Login Redirect Page : <Select a Page> -> wordpress default will be used
2. Redirect wp-login.php: <false> -> wp-login.php will be uses
If user clicks on reply to in the blog post he is directed to the backend login page and after login he returns to the current blog post.
If I enable the wp-login.php redirect the user is re-directed to the UsersWP login page but after login he does not return to the current post. Instead he will be directed to the start/home page (as described by the setting option).
From a users point of view this is inconvenient.
Please advice.
Thanks in advance.