Registration form fields are broken

This topic contains 26 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  piyush jaiswal 6 years, 11 months ago.

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    piyush jaiswal
    Post count: 224

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for the reply… but i was just wondering that earlier the issue of registration page in service provider was the same as in student registration page. Then how it was corrected and in student registration is is still there.

    If you have any CSS code then pls. help me with that.



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    The team is reviewing the issue. At this time only the form selected as the Registration page is getting CSS treatment by the plugin and so it is up to the site manager to style other forms. This is documented in the plugin overview.

    We are reviewing an possible change and will post an update if it the change is put into a release.


    piyush jaiswal
    Post count: 224

    Hi Alex,

    facing issue for the registration:
    We have 2 type of users for register:

    1> Student
    2> Service provider.

    In above thread we are trying to create customize landing page for the service provider registration page as well as for students also.

    But while after raising the issue either Gusst or you have changed the default registration page as service provider registration page.

    Now this page ( is not opening hence, both students and service provider coming directly are getting the service provider customized page.

    This wrong. Student will not register from here.

    Hence, pls change the register default page to this url:

    i had tried from userswp back-end but unable to find GD Register page.

    pls. change it.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    We have not adjusted your settings.

    You can find the GD Regsiter / Login page at:

    Geodirectory > Permalinks

    You can find the settings for the UsersWP Register page at:

    UsersWP – General Settings

    GD and UsersWP should use difference registration pages.


    piyush jaiswal
    Post count: 224

    Hi Alex,

    Trust me Earlier we used to get this url ( when we click on register link but not now.

    Also, Have gone through geodirectory> Permalinks

    able to find every page type like login, info, etc etc but not the register.

    Also as stated….

    how to call this url:

    On click of register from main menu.

    Pls. help i am bad in coding.


    piyush jaiswal
    Post count: 224


    Pls. help me in setting the url to register link on main menu.

    It is effecting great time for us as student will won’t register and go out from website.

    Pls. Treat this critical.


    Post count: 1971

    Hi Piyush,

    Can you please tell me where exactly you want to set this link in the menu?

    I see the registration page with link is already set for register link under the login/register drop-down menu.

    If you want to put that page in place of this then you can assign that page in UsersWP->General Settings->Register page



    piyush jaiswal
    Post count: 224

    Hi pratik,

    This we wanted in the main menu under box login/register – on link register.

    I had tried to assign the the register page in general setting at userswp but the page is having something else (not the the page which is on this url –

    Pls. help.



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Hello Piyush,

    UsersWP, for registration, will direct users to the page set at

    UsersWP->General Settings->Register page

    The UsersWP setting will override GD settings for the login page. GD displays the login and register dialogues on the same page, and so GD only has a setting for Login.

    If you want a custom link to point to that URL you mentioned, you will need to add it as a custom link to a menu, which does not have anything to do with GD or UsersWP.

    Let us know how it goes.


    piyush jaiswal
    Post count: 224

    Hi Alex:

    Any update on uswerswp registration page format as stated by you.

    “The team is reviewing the issue. At this time only the form selected as the Registration page is getting CSS treatment by the plugin and so it is up to the site manager to style other forms. This is documented in the plugin overview.

    We are reviewing an possible change and will post an update if it the change is put into a release.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    It has been added to the recent release. If you update UsersWP, additional registration forms should be styled the same as the original.


    piyush jaiswal
    Post count: 224

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks design is fixed now. will ask colleague to check the functionality and will let you know if we face any further issue.

    Thanks for the support.

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