Backpacking Series

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  • in reply to: Users unable to register/login with Facebook ID #2867

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104
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    in reply to: Users unable to register/login with Facebook ID #2845

    Backpacking Series
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    in reply to: Users unable to register/login with Facebook ID #2823

    Backpacking Series
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    in reply to: Users unable to register/login with Facebook ID #2820

    Backpacking Series
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    in reply to: Users unable to register/login with Facebook ID #2817

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104


    I just retested and it works fine for me – except that after login, I had to add /wp-admin in the URL to enter the dashboard. I am not sure what to fix here. Could it be a browser issue?

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Users unable to register/login with Facebook ID #2815

    Backpacking Series
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    in reply to: myCred – Taking a chance! #2676

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104

    Thank you very much. Yes, myCred site does suggest few samples of their own and I tried to customize it to the above requirement. I also reviewed Stiofan’s suggested code. But, it doesn’t work to return the badge’s title or image in a test email notification. It’d be great if someone here can suggest corrections, and if not, thanks again for considering!

    add_filter( 'mycred_badge_image', 'add_user_badge_template_tag', 10, 3 );
    function add_user_badge_template_tag( $html, $image, $badge_object ) {
    	$html = str_replace( '%display_earnedbadges%', mycred_get_users_badges( $user_id ), $html );
    	return $html;

    Or this:

    add_filter( 'mycred_badge_image', 'add_user_badge_template_tag', 10, 3 );
    // Check if user has a badge
    $earned_badge_level = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'mycred_badge' . $badge_id, true );
    if ( $earned_badge_level != '' ) {
    	// User has earned this badge
    	if ( function_exists( 'mycred_get_badge' ) ) {
    		// Display user's earned badge
    		$badge = mycred_get_badge( $badge_id, $earned_badge_level );
    		if ( $badge->level_image !== false ) {
    			function add_user_badge_template_tag( $html, $image, $badge_object ) {
    			$html = str_replace( '%display_earnedbadges%', $badge->level_image, $html );
    			return $html;

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Delivery of Updates to Addons #2675

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104

    Thank you very much!

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Delivery of Updates to Addons #2673

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104

    Thank you very much.

    WP Easy Updates notifications – Sorry, but what are these and how do I get these?

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Social Login Problem #2667

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104


    Thank you for your support.

    I can now verify that Yahoo login too is working reliably and we can close this request.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Social Login Problem #2665

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104

    Thank you.

    If you do not mind, I am curious – why did the new version of Social Login Addon not appear in WordPress plugin updates in the usual manner? And should I continue to look for new versions on your site instead of getting these delivered via WordPress updates? Is there a way that my email ID can be put on a mailing list for when new versions of Addons are released? Please advice.

    PS: Status of Social Login -> All other social logins look okay, except Yahoo, which is taking a long time to complete the process. I am going to do few more tests before pursuing further.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Social Login Problem #2663

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104


    Thank you for the advice to check versions. I realized I was on Social Login 1.0.2 and found version 1.0.5 on your site. I had to delete the previous version and then install this latest. Would you know why did the new version of Social Login Addon not appear in WordPress plugin updates in the usual manner?

    PS: Given this upgrade, please let me test the scenario for a few hours before pursuing further.

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Social Login Problem #2661

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104

    PS: Have you noticed that social login to website too fails with a blank screen? Here’s a screenshot:

    in reply to: Social Login Problem #2660

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104


    The performance and errors are not consistent.

    For instance, with Google, I get to see ‘Processing, please wait‘ message for 2-4 minutes. After that it can time out or login. Or, similarly with Yahoo, it takes over 3 minutes to login or simply times out.

    I verified Google and Yahoo oAuth application settings and they haven’t been touched. Over the past few days, the only change I have made is to add a Google Analytics script to the site headers. However, once I noticed this erratic response from login module, I moved around the GA script to CloudFlare – with no improvement though. Do you reckon any conflict there?

    Suggestions to isolate / resolve this are welcome.

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Form Design Inconsistent after New Release #2436

    Backpacking Series
    Post count: 104

    Thank you Patrik and Stiofan. That was quick!

    Things look good, once again! 🙂

    Kind regards


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