m forbes

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  • in reply to: not able to register #1170

    m forbes
    Post count: 338
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: not able to register #1167

    m forbes
    Post count: 338

    This makes absolutely no sense! I checked it out a few days ago and the keys were there!

    and I am a bit confused, when i went in this morning, UserWP was deactivated, but recaptcha was still active. I reactivated UsersWP, added keys to recaptcha, cleared cache, double “confirm password” is still showing in Chrome and Firefox. Still cannot login with Firefox…


    PS. Just went in and changed from invisible to V2, still showing double confirm…

    in reply to: not able to register #1154

    m forbes
    Post count: 338
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    in reply to: not able to register #1151

    m forbes
    Post count: 338

    nope, not network activated.

    i don’t remember fiddling with the registration fields, but sometimes that means nothing :).

    Same login info, now super admin.

    Thanks Guust!

    in reply to: not able to register #1149

    m forbes
    Post count: 338
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    in reply to: Edit Account #908

    m forbes
    Post count: 338

    Hi and thanks again! I think I am not writing understandably :). How do I get the change password field into the Edit Account form? Or is it not set up to work this way? I must link to the change form?

    in reply to: Edit Account #906

    m forbes
    Post count: 338

    Humm, thank you!, I can’t find anything that might even use the account page. And I would have never thought to look at the pages for the reason why!

    And since I have you… now when I click on the account icon, I see a form but there is no change password option. I had done nothing in the form fields (form builder). Have gone in and tried to assign placement of the fields, password/confirm password, but still cannot get them to show.

    what am I doing wrong?

    Also, should the register page be set up at back end like this:
    <table class=”uwp-form-table”>
    <tr valign=”top”>
    <th scope=”row”></th>
    <td><span class=”short_code”>[uwp_register]</span></td>

    Versus a simple shortcode?

    Thanks so much, your support is really appreciated.

    in reply to: Edit Account #903

    m forbes
    Post count: 338
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Disable link to user's info #887

    m forbes
    Post count: 338

    Thanks so much Paolo for showing me where those settings are. Duh, I should I have known this!!

    in reply to: Disable link to user's info #880

    m forbes
    Post count: 338

    Ok, so just so I am clear…

    First and last names can be set to “yes/no/let user decide”.
    There is a field called Display Name you can make required.

    Are a part of the code-snippets plugin? Not options in UsersWP?

    I normally add snippets to my functions file.

    thanks for clarifying :).

    in reply to: recaptcha and update? #554

    m forbes
    Post count: 338

    Hi, and thanks. I updated the ReCaptcha and can access the settings now, BUT… darn I hate buts…

    I added keys for V2, code in header, works fine.

    I added keys for Invisible, code in header (<script src=”https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js” async defer>), attempted to login as normal, shows the validation images/check boxes, go through them, then shows error: Error: You have entered an incorrect CAPTCHA value.

    Since I’m not really sure what the invisible does, what is the difference?

    Is there a way to just have the the check box (I am not a robot), versus images showing that need to be selected?

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: disabling wp-login / admin #427

    m forbes
    Post count: 338

    Hi and thanks!

    in reply to: User's page – comments invoice tabs/results #264

    m forbes
    Post count: 338

    Cool, thanks for checking! Guess this thread is resolved. Thanks again for your help.

    in reply to: User's page – comments invoice tabs/results #262

    m forbes
    Post count: 338

    oh, duh, guess I skimmed that part.

    Can you look at front end again real quick, I adjusted a setting and am curious if it is now working with an adblocker. I know this is beyond this thread and I may be pushing it 🙂

    in reply to: User's page – comments invoice tabs/results #258

    m forbes
    Post count: 338

    Yes, working well now, thank you!

    And no apologizes needed, I should have looked at the other posts to realize you were MIA :).

    And now off to figure out about the adblocker issue… sigh… Real quick, you actually were not able to access the site at all? Even at frontend? which ad blocker/browser are you using? thanks!

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