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Hi Jeff,
This is not possible using the code right now without modifying core files of the plugin but I have tried following CSS which may help you out but this is not the best solution but will help you to achieve what you want. Put the following CSS in your style.css of the current theme:
.uwp_page .uwp-content-wrap .uwp-profile-main .uwp-profile-nav ul { display: flex; } .uwp_page .uwp-content-wrap .uwp-profile-main .uwp-profile-nav ul li:last-child { order: 1; } .uwp_page .uwp-content-wrap .uwp-profile-main .uwp-profile-nav ul li:first-child { order: 2; } .uwp_page .uwp-content-wrap .uwp-profile-main .uwp-profile-nav ul li:nth-child(2) { order: 3; } .uwp_page .uwp-content-wrap .uwp-profile-main .uwp-profile-nav ul li:nth-child(3) { order: 4; } .uwp_page .uwp-content-wrap .uwp-profile-main .uwp-profile-nav ul li:nth-child(4) { order: 5; }
You need to change/add CSS when you add more tabs or you can take help of frontend developer for this customization.
Let me know your inputs.
PatrikHi directoryfan,
Actually, the height of the cover page should be more enough so that the update cover photo button come above the profile avatar image else it will go behind the avatar image and will need to show using increased z-index value. In your site height of the cover is smaller because you have a minimum width of the banner set to 1400. So we can put minimum height for the cover image to show the update cover photo button above the avatar image. Let me know if you want us to make changes for that or the CSS you put to increase z-index is fine.
The same problem with the aspect ratio is in the users listing page. We have updated the CSS to set the minimum height of the banner image 125px. Let me know if this works fine for you or not.
PatrikHi Jeff,
I have logged into the account you provided and added big content in the bio of my account. When I looked into the My Vegan Story tab of my profile it displayed whole content of bio there. It is working fine for me. I have attached screenshots for your reference.
Let me know your thoughts!
PatrikHi Joecam,
We have fixed the issue on your site. Please review it and let us know your inputs.
PatrikHi Alex,
Go to the file plugins/userswp/includes/class-forms.php at line no. 341 and you will see following action which you can use to process the form data and assign role to the user as you will get $data and $user_id as a parameter to use.
do_action('uwp_after_custom_fields_save', 'register', $data, $result, $user_id);
Let me know if this helps you!
PatrikHi Alex Howes,
Try using the filter ‘uwp_profile_tabs’ for add/remove tabs in user profile page.
Let me know if any questions.
I have made the changes in core file of the plugin.
Please review it and let us know your inputs.
I can’t find a path to the root of the WordPress site folder. Can you please mention the path to access the root of the WP folder so that I can modify the code in the file?
The problem is for the admin who wants to modify the user’s avatar/banner image from a backend. Currently, users can change their avatar/banner from admin backend (if have access to admin). Normally users do not have access to the other user’s profile on the admin side but if you want admin to have access to change the any user’s avatar/banner you can use the following code.
Update code in wp-content/plugins/userswp/includes/helpers/misc.php file at line no. 701
function uwp_add_admin_body_class($classes) { $screen = get_current_screen(); if ( 'profile' == $screen->base || 'user-edit' == $screen->base ) $classes .= 'uwp_page'; return $classes; }
Let me know your thoughts.
PatrikHi Sandro,
The problem is due to the other emailer in WP Mail SMTP plugin. I suggest you use either gmail or default SMTP provided by your hosting without SMTP plugin and check if it works fine or not.
PatrikI can successfully login to the FTP but it doesn’t show any files or folders. Can you please check it from your side and let me know?
Please post the WP admin and FTP details of your site in private reply and we will have a look for you.
PatrikHi Sandro,
The admin details work for me and I can regenerate the issue on your site as well. Can you please provide us the error log file or the FTP details to look if emails are sent properly?
PatrikHi Tola,
The new version of the UsersWP plugin is released. Please update your plugin and let me know your inputs.
In same browser if you have 2 gmail accounts then pls. login both account in same browser
Now open the tuikart and login from facebook. Then Logout from facebook and try to login from one gmail account. Then logout and try to login from second gmail account — here you will automatically get login with 1st gmail account not the second.
Regarding above comment,
Gmail stores cookie for the logged in email ids. So when you log in with our Gmail social login option for the first time it will work fine but when you log out and log in again with another Gmail id you will be redirected to the first one which is due to Gmail cookie data. I suggest you try to login with one Gmail account and then clear the cookie and again login to another Gmail account. Let me know how it goes?
Patrik -