Hi Birgit, post the URL and WP admin details in a reply here, and tick the “Set as private reply (only visible to staff and the post author)” box.
That is not the UsersWP lost password page then?
I don’t think I understand …
Can you post your URL and WP admin password in a private reply so we can check?
You should have a logged-in and logged-out section for UsersWP links, see image.
If you do not have that option, make sure to tick the “UsersWP Endpoints” in Screen Options at Appearance > Menus.
There should be no problem using either Account or Profile page as the Login redirect. Try de-activating all caching plugins and set permalinks to “Postname”.
Let us know. Thanks
Are you using Users Moderation? Admin review is not possible without that addon.
It looks like you are not using the “Admin review pending email” template.