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Point UsersWP to your Users List Page at UsersWP > UsersWP > General > Users List Page

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Category: Troubleshooting

← Why isn’t the Users List Page styled?

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Q Is it possible to change the Title of one of the pages?
A Yes, you can set the Title for any of the pages to anything you want.

Q Can all the links be in a single menu?
A Yes, all the links can be in one menu or several.

Q Can I re-order the tabs?
A Yes, simply remove all the tabs and re-add them in the order you want at UsersWP – Profile – Choose the tabs to display in Profile.

Known Issues


Ajax Login – Adds a hidden div that can cause some problems with UsersWP pages and forms.
PolyLang – Adds additional markup that may cause DOM issues like “non-unique ID”

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