Welcome to the UsersWP blog

Here you will learn how to build an online community

WordPress User Registration Plugins

WordPress has long supported user signups and registrations. In fact, user management is a core feature of WordPress as a CMS, however, user registration and login are only possible through the WordPress back-end (wp-login.php). Of late, there has been a rise in the number of sites and projects that use WordPress to build a community-centric […]

WordPress profile picture. How to change avatar via Gravatar, a plugin, or custom code. (Full Tutorial)

Everyone developing WordPress websites, sooner or later, will face the need to change a user’s profile picture. That’s when they discover that inside WordPress, there is no way to do so. If you are in the situation right now to ask yourself: How do I change my profile picture on WordPress? Here you’ll find all […]

The best user profile plugin for 2023

A little bit of history UsersWP has been around for a while. We decided to develop this plugin because many GeoDirectory customers requested it. They needed to manage their users’ registration, login, and profile needs with something better than what GeoDirectory offered. Many were using BuddyPress as an alternative, but BuddyPress is a lot more […]

New addons: Online Users & Restrict User Signups

Hello Everyone, We have some good news. We released two new addons yesterday. Online Users Restrict User Signups Online Users Go to Appearance > Widgets > “UWP > Online Users”. You can display online members with this addon. It checks online members every x minutes. Where x is your preferred interval. This addon has a setting called “Interval”. […]

UsersWP 1.0.7 released

Version 1.0.7 comes up with some major code refactoring. Its been almost 2 months since the release of 1.0.6. Sorry for the delay and we really thank you for your patience! 🙂 We renamed lot of functions and classes. For instance we used “Users_WP” for our classes. But now those classes are renamed to “UsersWP” […]